König Reflex Edge

Revoluční sněhový řetěz s nejjednodušší montáží, speciálně vyvinutý pro vozy s omezeným prostorem v podbězích kol.
  • Tuhý systém dvojitého oblouku nabízí nejjednodušší a nejintuitivnější montážní operace vůbec
  • Reflex Box je dosud nejvýkonnější napínací zařízení König, vyžadující pouhé jedno kliknutí. Plně integrovaný do řetězu, napíná všechny části řetězu, a to jak uvnitř, tak vně
  • Jedinečný design a integrované napínací zařízení snižují dynamický zdvih a zabraňují kolizi mezi řetězem a podběhy kol vozidla
  • Stopová síť s kroucenými řetězy pro snížení tloušťky
  • Vnitřní spoje s nízkým profilem
  • Wheel-Shield Level 1 nabízí integrální ochranu kola před poškrábáním způsobeným kontaktem s kovovými částmi. Všechny komponenty, které mohou přijít do styku s kolem, jsou vyrobeny z kompozitního materiálu odolného proti poškrábání a boční prvky jsou chráněny speciální sadou nylonových nárazníků. Reflex Edge je vybaven obloukem s PE povlakem, který nahrazuje typické boční řetězy, jež mohou být příčinou poškrábání kol
  • Praktická a odolná taška vyrobená z 95 % z recyklovaného plastu (RPET)
  • Homologace/certifikace/shoda: Ö-Norma 5117, EN 16662-1
  • Nedoporučuje se pro použití v terénu

Intuitive, subtle, simply revolutionary

The chain that represents a revolution in design, ease of assembly and vehicle application.

Forget tangled chains: the König Reflex Edge arrives already assembled and does not require the typical hook-and-loop fasteners of classic chains. Simply fit it onto the tyre and tension it.
Intuitive fitting

The Intuitive or Top-Down fitting system involves fitting the chain from the top of the wheel to the bottom. Once correctly positioned, tensioning is operated with a click on the red slider on the Reflex Box.
Reduced static dimensions

The Reflex Edge is designed to minimise the static footprint in sensitive areas of the wheel arch, thanks to the use of specific solutions such as the twisted tread and low-profile connections.
Tread with special steel twisted links

The tread units of the Reflex Edge are made of twisted links that increase the points of contact with the ground compared to traditional linear links and minimise chain thickness at the same time. The choice of materials and surface treatments guarantee the necessary strength.
Automatic squared

The benefit of König automatic tensioning chains is the fact that once fitted they tension themselves while driving, and the Reflex Edge is no exception. A click is all it takes to activate the automatic tensioning and at the first wheel movement, the Reflex Box will tension the inside of the chain, closing it. Et voila!
But the surprises don't end there. The real marvel of the Reflex Box tensioning system is its complete integration with the outer arch of the Reflex Edge, which in turn is connected to the by-pass device and the inner arch. In fact, by connecting in series with the various components of the chain, the Reflex Box device can tension them. Let's see how.
The Reflex Box contains a high-load spiroidal spring which, when actuated, pulls the micro-cable and tension all the components inside which the micro-cable runs. A powerful and immediate tension is modulated by the internal micro-adjustment device and is distributed over all the elements in the chain.
The result is a significantly reduced dynamic footprint thanks to a chain that remains super tight under dynamic conditions.
Alloy wheel protection

No more side chains: The Reflex Edge brings with it a real design revolution that overturns the appearance of the snow chain.
This is also because the Reflex Edge does not have any outer side chains, the typical elements that can be seen on the outside of the wheel and that connect the grip units to each other.
The design of the Reflex Edge involves the use of a rigid harmonic steel arch instead of side chains, favouring the presence of the chain on the tyre shoulder and not on the rim.
Every component in contact with the rim is protected by a composite material that does not cause scratches to alloy rims. For vehicles equipped with low-profile sports tyres, the Reflex Edge contains a set of rim protection buttons specifically for use on side hooks in the case of low-profile tyres.

A practical bag made of 95% RPET (recycled plastic) contains the pair of Reflex Edge chains in addition to the kit. The kit includes fitting instructions, rim protection button kit, repair links, gloves, mat and warranty sheet.


External fitting
Intuitive fitting
Traditional Fitting
Automatic tensioning (1 stop for fitting)
Manual tensioning (2 stops for fitting)
Quick external release
Wheel-Shield Rim Protection
Additional traction elements
ABS/ESP compatible
Internal clearance 7 mm