New König website launched

We're back from the drawing table after entirely redesigning our web presence to provide our visitors a more engaging and comprehensive browsing experience.

When a company decides to design a new website, usually it's not a breeze.

In fact the design of a modern website needs to take in account a large number of factors such the pages aesthetics, the readabillity of a large number of product info, the comfort and speed of navigation, the responsiveness on different browsing devices. And these are also the aspects König decided to bet on for the presence on

Now it's time to take a few lines to briefly present the new structure and contents.


Subdivided according to the segment in Consumer and Professional snow chains, the section includes all relevant informations related to the assortment in general and products specifically.

Product pages are designed to provide a tidy look while containing as much as relevant info as possible.

Fit Guide

This is probably the most visited page as it supports consumers all over the world in selecting the most indicated snow chains for their vehicle.

Also this section is subdivided between Consumer and Professional segment:

  • In the Consumer Fit Guide snow chains are recommended according to the vehicle and tire size (the best option as this takes into account not only the tire dimension but also the specific wheelhouse clearance limitations of the vehicle) or only by tire size.

Our snow chains fit Guide is updated on daily basis, make sure to check frequently to find the latest car and tire size releases.


This is the section involved by the largest implementation compared to the previous website.

We felt the need to tell more about whatever is related to König under the form of technical articles or blog news. We expect this section to be consistently visited by consumers as it contains a solid base of informations which may be helpful for consumers wanting to know more about their products, how to use and how to mantain them, informations about legal requirements and other curiosities.


This is the Identity Card of the company and includes all relevant informations, starting with some historical background and ending up with what König represents today and its unique selling points.

Dealer Locator

After finding out the best products, the dealer locator provides the list of the closest König dealerships where products can be purchased at.


Generally our website contents are updated on daily basis, we invite you to make sure you frequently check our website for news and updates and we wish you have a pleasant navigation on